Check Up
Urgent Referrals
For advice, urgent referrals and out of hours support, call +223 20 22 11 11 , +223 20 22 99 99 , +223 91 22 11 11 or +223 82 22 99 99 to page this service’s registrar on call.

Gold Check Up
Our Most Comprehensive and Special Check Up Package
Check-up examinations
- Dental examination
- Generalist examination
- Ophtalmologist examination
- Cardiologic examination
The diabetes, liver and heart board
- Glucose (fasting blood sugar)
- Phosphatases alcaline (PAL)
- Glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT)
- Total protein
- Albumin
Kidney analyses
- Blood Uremic nitrogen (BUN)
- Creatinin
- Uric acid
- Total urinary analysis
Bone mineral density
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Manganese
Rheumatism, vitamin and others
- C Reactive protein( CRP)
- Rhumatoid Factor
- Specific prostate antigen (PSA )(male)
- Free PSA (male)
- PAP Test (femme)
- Test CA125 (Ovarian cancer detection) (female)
- Ferritin
- Vİtamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Mammography ( for 40 years old women or more)
- Pulmonary chart PA
Cardiology examinations
- Electrocardiogramm (ECG)
- Cardiac Stress Test (ECG)
- ACE (Cancer Screening)
- Echocardiography
Blood board
- Complete Blood Count
- Sedimentation rate
Examination of feces
- Occult blood in the feces
- Parasitological examination of feces
Ultrasonographic examination
- Abdomino-pelvic
- Breast ultrasound
Blood lipid analysis
- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- VLDL Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
Thyroid hormone test
- Free Thyroxine (FT4)
Hepatic Examination
- HBsAg- Anti Hbs
- Anti HCV
- Anti-HIV-1
- Anti-HIV-2